Terms, Conditions & Registration Notes:

(CLI is Coaching and Leadership International Inc.)

We would like to honor you for your commitment to being a helping professional embarking on the road to achieving your CLI Power Coaching certification. At CLI we are committed to doing our best to make you as successful as possible as either a Private Practice Coach or a Corporate Coach. These Terms and Conditions (version 13Aug12) form a part of your registration.

1.  Acceptance of registration is subject to CLI's final review and acceptance of course selection, pricing, space availability etc.

2.  Courses begin Pre-class webinars and with Pre-class assignments forwarded following acceptance of registration.

3.  Communications: As a CLI student/licensee you agree to receive communications from CLI including your training and coaching, leadership, business building, news & updates and other pertinent topics.

4.  Confidentiality: You are registering to learn CLI's Leadership, Business Building and/or PCMK Coaching Methodologies. Within the Coach learning you will have an opportunity to experience PCMK Methodologies from the perspective of being the Coach, the Client and the Observer. You will receive coaching from other students and/or an Instructor/PCMK Mentor. You must agree to maintain confidentiality with respect to the content of all Coaching sessions.

5.  Examinations: When examinations are included in the registration fee students are expected to complete their oral and/or written examinations within 6 (six) months of completing their Mentoring or Distance Learning classes.

6.  Class Pictures: CLI often takes class and/or individual training pictures during your training. These pictures are often distributed to students and sometimes used for CLI's promotional purposes. Please inform us in advance if you prefer that we do not include you or do not identify you in these pictures.

7.  Expenses: Registrants are responsible for all of their expenses including but not limited to communication charges (phone, long distance, Skype etc), travel, accommodation, meals etc.

8.  Shipping Charges for Course Materials: Additional shipping charges (up to $200) may apply to locations outside of North America.

9.  Shipping Liability: All shipments are FOB the CLI office. Additional charges will apply to replace lost shipments.

10.  Payment & Administration Fees: Course payment is due at time of registration. Registration is requested a minimum of 3 weeks prior to course start dates to ensure you receive your assignments (& manuals when applicable) in time for the first class. A non-refundable registration administration fee equal to the lesser of the course registration fee or $500 is applicable for all courses. This fee is included in the posted program/course price.

11.  Monthly Payment Plan Fees: A 5% Deferred Payment Fee will be added to all 'Monthly Payment Plans'. This fee will be paid as a part of the Payment Plan deposit/down payment.

12.  Special Credits for further studies: Students who begin their PCMK studies by registering for Power Coach Fundamentals, PCF, at full fee (payment in full), are entitled to a $650 credit towards their next registration to study PCMK with CLI at a higher level such as APC, Associate Power Coach, or CPC, Certified Power Coach, immediately or within 6 months of commencing the PCF program.

13.  Refunds: CLI class sizes are kept small to promote better learning therefore your commitment is paramount and refunds are not available following registration payment. When unforeseen situations arise CLI will work with you to reschedule your training to complete your course at the next offering of the same course within 12 months of the original course start date.

14.  'Pause' Your Training: In the case of special family or medical emergencies and upon the presentation of a Doctor's certificate CLI will allow you to pause your training and complete your course within 12 months of your 'Pause' starting date.

15.  All Taxes & Duties are extra where applicable. GST is a Canadian Goods & Services Tax applicable to all Goods & Services received in Canada. The current GST rate is 5%. CLI's GST number is 867509648RT.

16.  Changes: Course content, dates, venue and duration are subject to change prior to registration or as required to maximize learning.

17.  Course fee and prerequisites are subject to change prior to CLI's acceptance of your registration.

18.  All Intellectual Property Rights remain with CLI. Upon payment in full and successful completion of your program, students will be granted a limited, non-exclusive License to use the instructed Power Coaching Methodologies, Tools and Processes to provide One-on-one Coaching services in accordance with the License Agreement. Your License is further clarified in your Program Manual and is presented for mandatory signature at the start of your training. Advance copies of the License Agreement may be requested, in writing, from CLI at the time of registration.

19.  Privacy: The information collected herein will be used to process the student's course registration payment, maintain communications regarding CLI coaching tips, news and offers as well as to confirm the student's training achievements and coaching sessions with regulatory bodies such as the ECI and ICF. Sessions may be recorded and used for accreditation, education and promotional purposes. Information provided will be stored in our student database and is available to the student for review. This information will not be distributed to 3rd parties except as stated herein. This information will be destroyed when no longer needed.

20.  General Terms & Conditions: Any disputes under these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Province of British Columbia and laws of Canada where applicable, without giving effect to any conflict of laws principles. You expressly consent to the exclusive forum, jurisdiction and venue of the courts of British Columbia and the Federal Court of Canada, or any other jurisdiction or courts as may be determined by CLI. If any provision of this Agreement or any part of any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction then all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

Authorization: I hereby confirm that I am of legal age to enter into this contract and that I have read and understood the registration information, investment inclusions and registration notes/details and authorize payment to CLI as per my course/program selections.